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Parks, G. S., & Hicks, D. S. (2018, January 18). ‘How Much a Dollar Cost?’ Political Ideology, Religion, and Poverty Policy Through the Lens of Kendrick Lamar’s Music. Retrieved from


This paper will be beneficial to my research because it explores the religious themes in Kendrick Lamar’s song “How Much a Dollar Cost?”. It reflects on Kendrick’s experiences as a black man living in the current political climate in the United States.


Ugwu, R. (2015, February 3). The Radical Christianity of Kendrick Lamar. Retrieved from Buzzfeed:


This article will help me in my research because it uses excerpts from interviews in which Kendrick Lamar discusses his religious views and how those views impact his music and artistry.


Grant, B. (2012, May). Religion and Spirituality in Hip Hop Lyrics. Retrieved from A Discourse Analysis of Value Orientations in Hip Hop Lyrics:


This paper explores religion in hip hop, and the ways black hip hop artists use religion in their works. This is beneficial to my research because it shows how Kendrick Lamar compares to other rappers and hip hop artists in terms of the use of religion in their work.


 Linder, M. (2017, April 26). Kendrick Lamar's Duel with Damnation. Retrieved from Christianity Today:


This article examines Kendrick Lamar’s fears surrounding damnation and being condemed, which he expressed in his latest album entitled DAMN. This is helpful with my research because it shows a different side of Lamar’s religion, the fear associated with it rather than celebrating it.

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